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HS40 Wireless Handset

325,98 €
με ΦΠΑ
Simrad HS40 - Ασύρματο ακουστικό για τους ασυρμάτους VHF RS40 και RS100. Το HS40 αντιγράφει την οθόνη και τα χειριστήρια του ραδιοφώνου, επιτρέποντας την πρόσβαση σε όλες τις βασικές λειτουργίες με τηλεχειρισμό
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The HS40 handset offers remote control of your fixed-mount RS40 or RS100 VHF radio.

Make calls, scroll through channels, and quickly initiate DSC distress functions from anywhere on board. With the HS40, you have the maximum transmission power and features of your fixed-mount VHF radio, with the convenience and portability of a handheld.


Key Features

  • Wireless handset for the RS40 and RS100 VHF radios
  • Handsets and RS40/RS100 work as an on-board intercom
  • Inductive charging with the included cradle
  • Up to 8 hours battery life
  • 100-metre range from base station
  • Fully waterproof (IPX7)


Communicate Anywhere On Board

With a range of up to 100 metres, the HS40 offers complete coverage aboard even the largest yachts. One or more HS40 handsets and the RS40/RS100 base station can also be used together as an on-board intercom system, enabling clear communication between crew members vessel-wide.


Designed for Real-World Conditions

The HS40 handset is rated IPX7 waterproof and uses an inductive charging system—meaning no exposed power connectors—for maximum protection from the elements. A full charge provides up to 8 hours of use, giving you total freedom to move around your yacht.

***Minimum product requirements*** Requires a Simrad RS40 or RS100 VHF radio. Each radio supports a maximum of 2 (RS40) or 4 (RS100) wireless handsets.


Technical Installation Tips - Pairing a handset

Before a wireless handset can be used with the radio, it must be paired with the radio. The pairing process only needs to be performed once per handset (max 2 handsets can be paired to RS40, max 4 for RS100):

  • 1. Ensure the handset, that you want to pair to the radio, is charged and turned OFF.
  • Note: If you have another handset that is already paired to the radio, ensure it remains off during this procedure.
  • Note: HS40 operates on WIFI frequencies. To ensure optimum performance during pairing, turn off nearby WIFI devices before starting the pairing operation. After pairing it will be able to operate with nearby WIFI devices on.
  • 2. On the base station radio’s MAIN menu, select WIRELESS HANDSET.
  • 3. Select PAIR A HANDSET. Select YES.
  • 4. Turn ON the handset that you want to pair to the radio. The handsetdisplay will show SEARCHING...
  • 5. Press and hold SCAN button on the handset until HANDSET IS PAIRING appears.
  • 6. Each paired handset will be identified by either HS1 or HS2 textabove the channel number.
  • Note: This pairing process may take a few minutes to complete.
  • Repeat steps 2-5 to pair the second handset.



Wireless standard 802.11 b/g/n20
Operating frequency 2412~2472 MHz (for EU); 2412-2462 MHz (for US)
Rx Sensitivity (802.11 b - 11 Mbps) -86 dBm (+/-2)
Tx Power (802.11 b - 11 Mbps) 9.81 dBm (Declaration for EU Compliance)
LCD display FSTN 256x160 pixels, monochrome
Battery (internal) Li-Ion (lithium Ion); 3.6 V 2050 mAh (5.1 Wh)
Charging system Inductive charging when set on cradle charger (BC-12)
Functional range, handset -> base station 70 m (direct line of sight, no obstructions)
Environmental IPx7


Cradle charger voltage 12 V DC battery system (negative ground)
DC current drain ≤0.5 A
Operating frequency 131.125 KHz-176.600 KHz
Charger max. RF power -10.88 dB μA/m @ 10 m
Environmental IPx7
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