
XSONIC Airmar SS175M (20°)

2.012,51 €
με ΦΠΑ

XSONIC SS175M 20° tilt μεσαία CHIRP through hull transdcuer. Μαύρο βύσμα 9 pin: Μήκος καλωδίου 10m (33.0 ft)

Διαθέσιμο - 3 αντικείμενα

Medium frequency delivers the right combination of coverage under the boat, extended depth range, and the ability to produce clean and accurate target and structure returns in mid to deeper water. Operating at a frequency range of 85 to 135 kHz, this transducer reveals fish at medium depths of up to 457 m (1,500') and delivers ultra-clear target resolution.


The SS175M transmits across the Medium Chirp frequency 85 to 135 kHz

Tilted Element™ transducers have the element fixed at a 20°, 12° or 0° angle within the housing. Because the transducer is installed almost flush to the hull, the tilt corrects for the hull deadrise. It orients the ceramic element horizontally to ensure maximum echo returns to the transducer.


The SS175M is available in three Tilted Element models:

  • Fixed 20° tilted version for 16° to 24° hull deadrise
  • Fixed 12° tilted version for 8° to 15° hull deadrise
  • Fixed 0° tilted version for 0° to 7° hull deadrise



  • Depth and water-temperature sensor
  • 1 kW with a maximum depth of 457 m (1,500')
  • Medium frequency: 85 to 135 kHz
  • 16° to 11° beamwidth
  • 50 kHz of total bandwidth from one transducer
  • Medium frequency provides excellent shallow to mid-depth performance, bottom detail, and fish-target separation
  • Low-profile, thru-hull housing provides good resolution at speed when installed properly
  • Stainless steel housing for use on stepped, planing or displacement hull



Weight 2.7 kg (6 lb.)
Recommended Boat Length Up to 11 m (36')
Hull Material Compatible with all hull materials

Hull Deadrise: 16-24°

Acoustic Window Urethane
Hole Diameter Fiberglass or wood hull—95 mm or 3-3/4"
Hole Diameter Metal hull—105 mm or 4-1/8"
Transducer Element One internal ceramic assembly
Διαθέσιμο 3 αντικείμενα

16 ακόμα προϊόντα στην ίδια κατηγορία:

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2.726,76 €
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