
NSX 3009

1.796,76 €
με ΦΠΑ

NSX 3009 -  Οθόνη υψηλής ευκρίνειας SolarMAX™ 9 ιντσών, ενσωματωμένος ηχοήχων 1 kW, GPS και WIFI. Απαιτείται χάρτης C-MAP® DISCOVER™ X ή REVEAL X™ επόμενης γενιάς.

Transducer : NSX 3009 No Transducer. ROW

Key Features

  • Features support for the new marine-optimized C-MAP® DISCOVER™ X and C-MAP REVEAL™ X charts with a fresh, intuitive chart presentation and daily updates

  • High-definition IPS touch screen with extreme viewing angles, viewable through polarized lenses

  • Support for high-resolution views of fish and structure with Active Imaging™ featuring CHIRP, SideScan and DownScan Imaging™, plus 1kW transducer capability to reach greater depths

  • Quickly identify fish with FishReveal™

  • Setup Wizard to get you up and running quickly, plus simpler sonar setup

  • Full integration with the capability to expand the system with Simrad® radar, autopilot, and more

  • Faster Autorouting with seamless accessibility

  • Stay on course with full Simrad® autopilot integration

  • Modern and straightforward interface

  • Simrad® App integration – keep your chart data at your fingertips, both on and off the water

  • Third-party app integration

  • Wireless connectivity, plus Ethernet and NMEA 2000® networking capability

  • IP Video Support

A new, intuitive touch screen experience

Experience modern simplicity in rich detail. NSX pairs a clean and straightforward interface with high-definition visuals to deliver a whole new experience. Easily access and use all NSX features, including smart drag-and-drop screen customization, fully editable instruments bar and enhanced day and night modes. Get crystal clear views of chart detail, structure and bottom contours with the vibrant SolarMAX™ IPS touch screen. The high-definition display is viewable from any angle, in direct sunlight, and through polarized lenses with complete touch screen operation.

Bring navigation to life with NSX

See map details in a new way with a next-generation C-MAP® DISCOVER X™ marine-optimized charts developed for NSX, featuring a fresh, intuitive chart presentation and daily updates. NSX also supports marine-optimized C-MAP Reveal X charts with coastal, seafloor and inland Shaded Relief. C-MAP charts include full-featured Vector Charts with Custom Depth Shading and High-Resolution Bathymetry showing accurate contour lines down to a 1-foot level of detail. You can improve planning and route plotting with Tides and Currents projections and our fastest ever Autorouting. Plus, there’s a new Map Inspection feature with one-touch access to information on locations, POIs, tides, channels and more. The Simrad® Companion App acts like an extension of your NSX with the same chart experiences and all your chart data at your fingertips, on or off the water. The app lets you plan trips, review Tracks and plot Waypoints on your App and sync directly to your NSX.

Full suite of Simrad® technology at your fingertips

NSX opens up a world of possibilities, from the included Active Imaging™ 3-in-1 transducer with CHIRP sonar, SideScan and DownScan Imaging™ to system expansion options like Autopilot and a wide range of compatible 1kW transducers that allow you to search greater depths. Identify hazards immediately with our award-winning pulse compression HALO Radars. See near and far simultaneously (up to 72 nm) and be ready instantly with low-power standby mode. Highlight targets using custom modes such as harbor, offshore and weather. Known for its legendary performance, Simrad® Autopilots free you up to enjoy all of your activities. Whether trawling for game fish or planning your next destination, we’ve got you covered. Available for outboard and inboard engines, our 'extra pair of hands' helps run patterns and routes, navigate to waypoints, and stay on course.

Simple to set up, easy to manage

With everything from a Setup Wizard to Simrad® App integration, simple sonar setup and hints to assist you when you need it, NSX makes life on the water easier than ever before. The Setup Wizard helps with step-by-step instructions to get you up and running quickly, while the Simrad® App offers a whole host of added extras. These include hassle-free software updates, on and off the water trip planning, a streamlined chart display that looks the same across all platforms, plus easy transfer of all data, including routes and waypoints. But that’s not all. Sonar hints offer guidance on what’s happening during settings adjustments and sonar device setup gives you easy-to-understand prompts for each step of the process – you’ll be up and running in no time. All you need to do now is choose your next adventure.

Διαθέσιμο 3 αντικείμενα

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