80m (262') mast cable with pre-molded connectors for the WS310 and WS700 series wired wind sensors.
The WS320 Wireless Interface: Spare Wireless Interface for the WS320 Wind Sensor system. Receives wireless signals from the WS320 and converts to NMEA 2000.
Paddlewheel Speed Sensor Spare (1996 >)
Through-hull Stainless steel skin fitting with Sea-valve (for use with DST800, DT800, ST800)
Wind Speed Cup spare for all B&G MHUs (508, 608, 213, VMHU, WS300, WS700)
DST-810 Depth/Speed/Temp Sensor. Plastic thru-hull housing.
Airmar IDST800L 235F B-122-RETR 6M
H3000 Speed Sensor Plastic Flush
35m (115’) mast cable with pre-molded connectors for the WS310 and WS700 series wired wind sensors.
The 213 Masthead unit is an ocean-proven high performance wind sensor, providing raw wind speed and angle data to the instrument system. For H5000 and H3000.
20m (65’) mast cable with pre-molded connectors for the WS310 and WS700 series wired wind sensors.
H5000 Barometric Pressure Sensor provides High-Resolution measurement of Barometric Pressure to the system.
Airmar 110WX/ 120WX Cable 6 m (19.6 ft) (NMEA 2000 to Device cable)