N2KEXT-25RD - 7.58 m (25-ft) NMEA 2000® cable for network backbone extension only
South Mediterranean Sea & Aegean Sea - MAX - European - Wide
NMEA 2000 Micro-C Auto pilot network starter kit: Includes Network power cable, 4.5 m (15 ft) N2K cable, 3 x T-connectors, and 2 x network terminators.
RJ45-Yellow Round Ethernet adapter cable RJ45 Male / 5 Pin Female 10 cm (6")
N2KEXT-15RD - 4.55 m (15-ft) NMEA 2000® cable for backbone extension or or drop cable to connect an additional network device
South Aegean Sea - MAX - European - Local
The MiniPlex-BUF is an advanced NMEA buffer/splitter featuring one input and seven outputs.
The revolutionary all in one design: SEA.AI Offshore ONE combines camera unit and data processing in one compact, mast-mounted unit. Connect the Offshore ONE to the bus system of your yacht and take navigation to a new level of safety.
Tracking detected objects within the regularly updated app makes collision avoidance for sailing boats easy and reliable.
Mounting Bracket, NSS-12 EVO2, ZEUS2-12
Video/Data Cable - Provides 2x Analog Composite Video Inputs (RCA Female) and a NMEA 0183 Interface.