• Agotado


3.145,24 €
Impuestos incluidos

AP44 VRF medium capacity pack MKII. Περιλαμβάνει χειριστήριο AP44, πυξίδα Precision 9, αντλία RPU80 και αυτόματο πιλότο NAC-2.



Product Description

The AP44 Autopilot Controller combines Simrad Continuum steering technology with a full-color display, intuitive rotary dial and button controls, and modern glass helm styling. Free your hands from the wheel, cruise in comfort, and discover new ways to search for fish; this dedicated controller offers easy access to automated turn patterns, No Drift steering, depth contour tracking, and other advanced pilot features. Connect your chart plotter to add waypoint and route navigation, and enjoy full autopilot control from compatible Simrad displays.


Key Features

  • Rotary-dial course adjustment with new intuitive autopilot control
  • Optically bonded 4.1-inch color display
  • Easy setup with auto-tuning and calibration
  • Simrad Continuum steering technology
  • All new intuitive autopilot control
  • Automated turn patterns
  • No Drift steering
  • Depth contour tracking
  • Low-profile ‘Glass Helm’ design
  • Low power consumption
  • Certified NMEA 2000® connectivity


Intuitive Autopilot control

The point of a dedicated autopilot controller is to enable immediate access to auto-steering functionality, placing key controls within easy reach. Designed with that purpose in mind, the AP44 includes an intuitive interface with just four buttons and a push-to-enter rotary control dial.


Automated turn patterns

Your Simrad autopilot can do much more than keep you on course. The AP44 gives you easy access to a range of built-in turn patterns designed to assist with fishing, diving, or just making a quick and efficient U-turn.


Simrad Continuum steering

Every Simrad steering innovation builds upon a legacy encompassing over sixty years of autopilot development, which continues today at Simrad Yachting’s autopilot research hub in Norway.


Easy setup with auto-tuning and calibration

Autopilot installation and commissioning doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. The AP44 offers automatic tuning to ensure optimal auto-steering performance, with a simple on-screen commissioning process including dockside configuration and sea trial.



The NAC-2 Autopilot Computer is the brains behind your autopilot system. NAC-2 contains the control algorithms developed to helm a yacht across a broad range of weather conditions and sea-states, alongside the electronics needed to operate a hydraulic or mechanical drive unit, while also interfacing with other components including heading sensors and rudder feedback units. The NAC-2 was designed for boats up to 10 meters (33 feet) in length and is suitable for low-current hydraulic drives, mechanical drives, or solenoid valves with a current rating of 8 Amps continuous (12 Amps peak). Precision-9


The Precision-9 Compass supplies heading and rate-of-turn information to Simrad, B&G, and Lowrance autopilot, radar, and navigation systems. Based on reliable solid-state sensor technology, this compact compass offers easy installation aboard any vessel.


Unique selling points

  • Heading, Rate Of Turn (ROT), roll, and pitch output over NMEA 2000®
  • Heading and ROT calculated using sensor data from 9 axes of rotation and motion
  • Accurate and reliable solid-state sensor technology
  • Heading accuracy of ±2° after calibration
  • Easily adjustable mounting bracket allows bulkhead or up-mast installation
  • IPX7 waterproof. Best in class.
  • Simple installation with a single NMEA 2000® connection

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