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SAILOR 6310 MF/HF 150W DSC Class A

11.780,00 €
Impuestos incluidos
Το ολοκαίνουργιο SAILOR 6310 MF/HF - 150W βελτιώνει με κάθε τρόπο τα προηγούμενα επιτυχημένα συστήματα SAILOR GMDSS MF/HF.

Operational communication

Though designed to meet GMDSS requirements for professional mariners operating a wide variety of vessels SAILOR 6310 MF/HF is a rugged, high-end communications system in its own right.

It complies with the newest requirement - ITU493-13 - for MF/HF DSC Class A, part of the mandatory requirements for SOLAS vessels and many national GMDSS requirements.


Highly efficient

A highly efficient power amplifier with control hardware ensures high performance in the marine bands from 1.6 to 30 MHz in TX mode, and constant and full output power on all ITU channels.

Have confidence in your ability to communicate for safety and operational reasons, backed up by exceptional cooling, which helps to make SAILOR 6310 MF/HF durable, rugged and reliable.


A clear view

The advanced 3.2" QVA display ensures a clear view. Text can be displayed as white on black or black on white, for optimal daylight viewing, whilst the red backlight protects night vision.

Day or night, users feel less-stressed because operating the intuitive menu structure via the clear screen, large tactile buttons and wheelknobs is easy.


Play it again

SAILOR 6310 MF/HF is the first MF/HF to feature the pioneering SAILOR Replay function, which records the latest incoming messages, making them available for easy playback.

Clarify messages to improve vessel safety and operation by ensuring that messages are not lost, ignored or misunderstood, if the user was occupied in other operations.


Multimedia interface

Operation is via the new SAILOR 6006 Message Terminal; the world's first touch screen, Wheelmarked GMDSS terminal. Other innovations include Cobham SATCOM's next generation of easy-to-use radiotelex software.

The multimedia style interface is user-friendly, which ensures simple operation of the radio's communication and messaging functions.


Efficient communication

As part of the SAILOR 6000 GMDSS Series, SAILOR 6310 MF/HF features ThraneLINK, a unique new system that enables efficient communication within the network.

Engineers can access a vessel's network from a single point for lower maintenance and lifetime costs. The system also identifies new products in a network, making installation easier.


Further integration

SAILOR 6310 MF/HF features built in battery and supply voltage monitoring that also covers the backup batteries, whilst there is no requirement for an external GPS.

Save time and money: no need to fit a battery panel in the GMDSS console and GPS input can be taken from the new SAILOR 6110 mini-C GMDSS via the already connected ThraneLINK, so no extra cabling is required.


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