B&G Hercules Sailing Processor

3.558,80 €
Impuestos incluidos

Επεξεργαστής ιστιοπλοΐας B&G Hercules

Disponible - 1 Artículo

Passion for Precision

Hercules® is designed to sit at the heart of an advanced sailing system. With an ultra-fast processor and maximum integration options, Hercules delivers an expanded suite of sailing data to B&G Nemesis™ displays, Vulcan™ or Zeus® Chartplotters. Data can be accessed via the B&G App or the all-new web interface, allowing recordings to be uploaded to the cloud, where it can be viewed, analysed and replayed.


Enhanced Accuracy

Hercules is engineered for precision. Greater accuracy comes from advanced calculation and calibration for true wind,and advanced heel and motion correction* with improved boat speed calibration. Advanced Polar Tables and Target performance data help users achieve optimal performance and navigation. And racers get the upper hand with intelligent StartLine calculation. *when paired with a motion sensor.


Record & Review

With Hercules, sailing data can be recorded directly to a B&G cloud account and managed either through the new web interface or using the B&G Companion App. The intuitive web interface lets users view, edit, and switch between correction and polar tables with ease. Advanced data capture also allows users to record custom events like sail changes and configurations for later review.


Maximised Integration

Built for use with serious cruising and racing yachts, Hercules offers support for dual wind sensors and dual rudders, on-board both mono- and multi-hull builds. With a guided on-boarding system and automated calibration for core sensors, set up and management is simple. Hercules is NMEA2000 and Ethernet compatible and supports loadcell data along with third-party analytics services. It’s fully compatible with existing Triton™ 2, H5000, HV and Nemesis™ displays, H5000 Analogue and Serial modules, and the new Hercules Expansion module.


Key Features

  • Latest quad-core microprocessor
  • B&G® App Integration for data recording and review
  • Web interface provides easy access to sailing data, system configuration and controls
  • NMEA2000® compliant interface (micro-C)
  • Dual Ethernet ports (100Mbps)
  • 9 x 12-bit analogue channels
  • 2 x Serial I/O channels
  • 2 x Configurable alarm outputs
  • 1 x Crew overboard input
  • Micro SD card
  • Built-in barometric pressure sensor
  • 12/24V Power Supply



Operating temperature range

−15°C to 55°C (5°F to 131°F)

Storage temperature

−40°C to 85°C (−40°F to 185°F)

Waterproof rating

IPX6 and IPX7


Supply voltage

12/24 V DC (9.0–31.2 V DC)

Recommended fuse rating

3 A

Maximum power consumption

19 W max at 13.8 V

CAN bus power consumption

NMEA 2000® < 0.24 W at 12 V (1 LEN)



0.70 kg (1.55 lb)



1 port Micro-C (NMEA 2000® compatible)


2 ports (NMEA 0183® compatible)

Data card reader

1 port (microSD™)


2 ports (RJ45 connectors, 100BASE-T)

Disponible 1 Artículo

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