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    Simrad I3005 Instrument

I3005 Instrument

1.060,08 €
με ΦΠΑ

Το 3005 Instrument είναι ένα πολυόργανο έγχρωμης οθόνης 5'' με εύκολο έλεγχο αφής, μια ποικιλία γραφικών διατάξεων με δυνατότητα ενεργοποίησης έως και οκτώ διαφορετικών λειτουργιών ταυτόχρονα. Προσφέροντας μια ευέλικτη εγκατάσταση που υποστηρίζει μια μεγάλη ποικιλία τύπων σήματος εισόδου/εξόδου.

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The Simrad® I3000 Instrument Series offers a 5'' or 7'' superior colour display with easy touch control, a variety of graphic layouts with the capability to enable up to eight different functions simultaneously.

Both I3005 and I3007 are IMO approved as a Rudder Angle Indicator, Rate of Turn Indicator (I3007 only), Propeller Pitch Indicator, Propeller Revolution Indicator, plus monitor other functions like Engine RPM, Wind Instruments, Digital Data Thruster Propeller Pitch Angle and Boat Speed.


Key Features

  • Multiple instrument functions in one display
  • Enable up to eight different functions
  • Configurable for single or multi-purpose
  • Switch easily between multiple functions
  • Long distance viewing
  • All common analog signal types supported
  • Bridges data between NMEA 2000®, serial, Ethernet for more flexible & advanced installation requirements
  • 2 x NMEA 0183 ports with up to a 38000 baud rate
  • Suitable for all vessel sizes



Offering a flexible installation that supports a wide variety of I/O signal types, both display sizes are approved for SOLAS vessels. The I3000 Series has the capability to enable the following simultaneously:

  • Heading Repeater – when paired with NMEA 2000, NMEA 0183, or LWE heading sensor, such as Simrad GPS and Gyro compasses.
  • Rudder Indicator – IMO approved when connected in an Autopilot System that has the optional display of rudder demand. Reading rudder positions from all Simrad rudder feedbacks or is compatible with NMEA 0183 feedbacks from other third-party systems.
  • Rate of Turn Indicator – 7” IMO approved and 5” non-IMO ROT Indicator with a configurable scale range and is compatible with Simrad GPS Compasses, HS60/70/80, Simrad Gyros GS80/85, and Simrad Magenetic Compasses Precision-9, RC-42
  • Propeller Pitch Indicator configurable for use with Propulsion and Thruster (Note: Transducer/sensor not offered by Navico)
  • Propeller Shaft RPM – IMO compliant with a selectable Scale Range (Note: Transducer/sensor not offered by Navico)
  • Engine RPM Indicator with a Selectable Scale Range from 200 up to 10,000 (Note: Transducer/sensor not offered by Navico)
  • Wind Instrument – measuring True Wind Speed and Angle, Apparent Wind Speed and Angle, Beaufort Wind Speed Indicator with Selectable Orientations (relative to North or the Ships’ Bow). Compatible with Simrad and B&G Sensors or any NMEA 2000 or NMEA 0183 Wind Sensors.
  • Digital Data - data layout for display or a multitude of data types; Vessel, Environmental, Navigation, Engine, Depth, Speed, Heave, Pitch, Roll, Time & Date.


Note: Digital data types can only be selected from the available installed transducers and sensors



Resolution 800 x 480
Brightness >1200 nits
Touch screen Full touch screen (multi-touch)
Viewing angles (typical value at contrast ratio = 10) Left/right: 70°, top: 50°, bottom: 60°


Supply voltage 12/24 V DC (9.0 - 31.2 V DC min - max)
Power consumption 650 mA/ 320 mA at 12 V DC (backlight full/off )
350 mA/190 mA at 24 V DC (backlight full/off )
Recommended fuse rating (12 V / 24 V) 3 A


Temperature range -15°C to +55°C (5°F to 131°F)
Storage temperature -20°C to +60°C (4°F to 140°F)
Waterproof rating IPX6, IPX7
Category Protected
Shock, vibration and humidity According to IEC 60945


Ethernet 1x (RJ45) 100Base-TXS, 8P8C connector, IPv4
Maximum data rate 450 sps addressed to device, 500 sps unintended
Buffer capacity Dynamic serial buffer
NMEA 2000 1x (Micro-C ,1 LEN)
Data card reader 1x slot (microSD)


IEC 61162-2 ports 2x
Digital input 1x
Analog input 1x (voltage, OR frequency, OR current)
Power output (+16 V DC, 70 mA) 1x


Compass Safe Distance 0.5 m (2.95 ft)
Weight (display only) 0.54 kg (1.18 lbs)
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