  • Χωρίς απόθεμα
    Nemesis 12

Nemesis 12

3.718,76 €
με ΦΠΑ

B&G Nemesis™ 12" Ιστιοπλοϊκή Οθόνη. Η απόλυτη οθόνη ιστιοπλοΐας παρέχει ορατότητα και ευελιξία, πλήρη προσαρμογή και πλήρη ενσωμάτωση.

Χωρίς απόθεμα

Nemesis™ 12 is the perfect solution for displaying all the crucial sailing data you need, on the mast or at the helm.

The super bright touch screen provides outstanding visibility, from anywhere on the boat, in all conditions. Completely customisable; choose from pre-set templates, set up automatic point of sail dashboards or entirely create your own. You can view your trusted sailing data in precisely the way you want to, ensuring you get the most accurate data right in front of you, all the time.


Intelligent Sailing Display

This intelligent sailing display offers unparalleled visibility from all angles and distances on-board, and with complete data customization or a choice of easy to use multi-function templates and automatic dashboards based on your point of sail, whether racing or cruising, you will never be out of touch. The Nemesis display allows you to define what data you see, when and how you see it, no matter what the conditions, providing an intuitive link between your trusted instrument network and the real world.


Visibility & Versatility

A bright touch screen, with super-wide viewing angles and the ability to view with polarized sunglasses from anywhere on-board. With adjustable data sizes, palettes and backlighting, this display offers optimal viewing in all conditions, whether on the mast or in the cockpit.


Complete Customization

This all-in-one customization display can be mounted in either portrait or landscape. The easy to use drag & drop editor provides a wide choice of graphical gauges, SailSteer™, tank levels, digital data, IP camera views, histograms and images. With this, you have the freedom to select the data, visualization and set size and position that you want; or you can simply choose from a choice of pre-selected built-in B&G dashboards and templates. Additional automatic context modes* allow you to choose the sailing data you want to display based on your point of sail or sailing mode: Upwind, Reaching, Downwind, Pre-start or Motoring. (*Requires H5000 CPU)


Integration & Control

The use of commercial grade components, hours of testing and development by sailors in all conditions, combined with the most accurate sailing data available from your B&G network and instruments, will ensure you have complete trust in Nemesis. The reliability and accuracy of both the data and the display will give you the confidence you need to make the right decisions. Control your display on the touch screen or via an Apple Watch® - compatible with Apple Watch Series 3 and above.* - *Coming Soon


Key Features

  • Pre-set dashboards or easy to use drag & drop editor for full customisation
  • Wide choice of digital data displays including graphical gauges, SailSteer™, tank levels, IP camera views, histograms and images
  • Context modes: Upwind, Reaching, Downwind, Pre-start, Motoring
  • Bright touch screen, with super-wide viewing angles
  • Adjustable palettes and backlight for optimal view in all conditions
  • Mount in portrait and landscape
  • Connect multiple screens via the Nemesis Hub
  • Ethernet and/or NMEA2000 


Technology IPS SolarMAX™ HD
Viewing angles 80 top/bottom, +/ 80 left/right
Polarisation 360 degree
Resolution 1280x800
ScreenBrightness 1500 nits
Orientation Portrait or Landscape, via software configuration
User Interface Touch-screen with automatic touch-lock ; webserver ; REST API for remote devices


Power Ethernet 1x 8 pin power connector
NMEA 2000® 1x Micro-C connector (network load 1 LEN)
Wi-FI 802.11


Power Supply 12/24V DC nominal (10-32V)
Power Consumption 19w (1.8Amps)
Recommended fuse rating(12 V / 24 V) 2.0 A


Operation temperature -15ºC to +55ºC (-5ºF to 131ºF)
Storage temperature -20ºC to +60ºC (-4ºF to 140ºF);
Waterproofing IP67


Weight (display only) 1 kg (2.2 lbs)
Compass Safe Distance 300mm (12")
Mounting type Panel / Front mounting

Feature Support

Feature Support Instrumentation, IP Camera viewer, HTML Browser
Languages supported Chinese[simplified], Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish
Χωρίς απόθεμα

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