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AP70MK2 Autopilot Basic Pack

4.593,89 €
με ΦΠΑ

AP70MK2 επαγγελματικό βασικό πακέτο αυτόματου πιλότου. Το kit περιέχει χειριστήριο AP70 MK2, AC70 υπολογιστή and RF300 πηδάλιο. Για αντιστρεφόμενες αντλίες ή μη μεμονωμένες ηλεκτρομαγνητικές βαλβίδες.

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Product Overview

AP70MK2 is at the heart of our flexible Professional Autopilot system designed to meet the needs of mariners aboard a variety of professional vessels. With both non-SOLAS and SOLAS system configurations available, it delivers professional autopilot performance to everyone from the small and fast SAR vessels, professional fishing vessels and workboats, all the way up to large commercial vessels.


Flexible Autopilot Computers

The AP70MK2 system includes a range of base computer boards, providing a variety of industry standard control signals to control systems.

  • AD80 Analog Drive delivers analog signal control using voltage or low level current.
  • SD80 Solenoid Drive delivers on/off or proportional control using galvanic isolated solenoid valves or high level current.
  • SI80 Signal Interface ensures NMEA0183 interfaces to other systems onboard for navigation, heading data and more.
  • SG05 PRO is an IMO Approved CAN-BUS Autopilot Computer for direct connection to Volvo EVC systems.
  • AC70 is a non-SOLAS autopilot computer, for direct drive of reversible hydraulic pumps or non-isolated solenoids, a common choice for workboats.


These computer boards are combined into IMO approved Autopilot Computers like AC80A, AC80S and AC85 to suit any vessel configuration.


A Variety of Remotes

AP70MK2 Systems can include multiple stations and controllers, like FU80 Follow-Up, NF80 Non-Followup and QS80 Quick-Stick Steering levers delivering your preferred way of steering the vessel in a small and easily placed formfactor. The computer boards also have inputs for the older style heavy duty NFU Remotes like S35 and S9, the JS10 Joystick and R3000X Handheld NFU Remote.


Feedback is Important

Support for all common rudder feedback solutions, including Frequency, Current, Voltage and NMEA2000. From the small RF300 and RF25N rudder feedbacks, the medium duty RF45X and RF70N, and the heavy duty RF14XU, as well as a variety of 3rd party solutions.


Thruster Integration

A total of 6 drives can be controlled by the AP70MK2 system. After the rudder(s), you can integrate the thrusters onboard by adding AD80 and SD80 Interfaces. The thrusters can be set to engage automatically below a user-defined speed threshold, and configured separately for normal and Work modes.


Key Features

  • Wheelmarked for use on board SOLAS vessels (IMO, MED-B)
  • Continuum steering technology
  • Advanced configuration and tuning options to suit all ships
  • Compatible with all common rudder/drive types
  • Proven Simrad interface designed for commercial marine applications
  • Large, heavy-duty rotary control dial for precision steering
  • Optically bonded 5-inch colour display with 170° viewing angle
  • Up to 6 rudders/thrusters integration
  • Heavy-duty rudder feedback support
  • Configurable work modes and low/high speed modes
  • No Drift steering holds course against wind and tide
  • Navigation steering, route following
  • Flush or bracket mounting options
  • Command transfer and multiple control stations support


Additional features Simrad AP70 Mk2 systems

  • Handshake signals with steering gear
  • Pendulum ferry function
  • Pulse speed log
  • External Follow-Up control
  • External mode control
  • BNWAS signalling
  • Multiple control station options
  • Advanced command transfer function
  • Configurable thruster control Automatic/Manual
  • Advanced settings and tuning options


Boat type: Power (displacement, outboard and planing). From 30 ft and up
Steering system types: Hydraulic; Reversible pump/Solenoids: Mechanical; Rotary drive/Linear drive:Max 6 rudder/thruster drives
Inter-unit connection: CAN bus/NMEA 2000
System ON/OFF: From control units
Supply voltage: 12/24 V DC +30 -10%
Power consumption: Dependent on system configuration (See spec for individual units)
EMC protection: IEC 60945: 2002-08
Performance: IMO A.342(IX) & A.822(19), ISO 11674 & 16329
Rate of turn: Within +-10% of preset value or 3°/min. Ref. ISO 11674: 4.3.7
Heading indication error: <0.5°. Ref. ISO 11674: 4.3.5
Heading stability: Within +-1°. Ref. ISO 11674: 4.3.13

Automatic Steering Control

Rudder/thruster Drive Reversible pump, solenoid on/off, proportional valve, analog

Electronic interface:

Serial data input/output ports: AC70: 1, AC80, AC85, SI80: 4
Heading sensors: Gyrocompass, Fluxgate/Rate compass, Magnetic compass, GPS compass (NMEA)
Course selection: Rotary course knob and buttons
Alerts: Audible and visual, external optional (AC70)
Steering modes: Standby, Non-follow-up, Follow-up, Auto, NoDrift, Nav
Special turn modes: U-Turn and S-Turn
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